
Canadian Food Aficionado Magazine delivers the audience you want to reach.

Total Distribution

20,000 in print + huge web presence
(Optional 3-minute custom video promo of your restaurant with live interview by Jay.)

Print copies will be distributed to high-income households in the GTA region, and through airline lounges, leading hotels, restaurants and events, ensuring we deliver the right target audience for you. Our website,, will feature regular weekly updates throughout the year to keep customers engaged and your brand top of mind. We will be active on all relevant social media platforms.

SBC Media

A Member of The CJ Group of Companies
560 Hensall Circle
Mississauga, ON, Canada L5A 1Y1
T. 416-588-0808

Magazine Dimensions (inches) Width Height
Trim Size 9 11.75
Ad Dimensions (inches) Size Bleed Trim Live
Full Page 9 x 11.75 9.25 x 12 9 x 11.75 8 x 10.75
Half-Page Horizontal 8 x 5.125 N/A N/A N/A
Advertising Rates For 1 Issue
Full Page $4,500
Half-page horizontal $2,500
Inside front cover $5,500
Inside back cover $5,500
Outside back cover $6,000

Print Production Specifications

Preferred file format: PDF/X-4:2008. Crop Marks Offset 0.25” / Bleed Minimum 0.125”. Adobe InDesign native files will also be accepted. Supply all fonts and images used. Additional production charges may apply for final art, modification of existing art, photography, special typesetting and/or conversion to acceptable digital format. Please note we offer complete design, prepress and printing services to help you.

Digital Website Display Banners (pixels) 1 month

Digital Website Display Banners For 1 Month Dimensions (Pixels)
Super leaderboard $900 970 x 90
Half-page $650 300 x 600
Custom rectangle $750 600 x 250
Medium Rectangle $400 300 x 250
E-newsletter Contact for pricing Contact for details
Social Media Contact for pricing Contact for details

Please supply website material in .jpg, .png or .gif file formats. Digital files should be supplied in RGB and be no larger than 60k.

Closing Date October 1, 2020

Distribution December 2020

For more information please contact:

Kevin Page, Director of Sales –
Jay Mandarino, Chief Aficionado and Co-editor –

Banner photography courtesy of Carnal Prime Steakhouse (Chile, South America)